PANCHTIKTA KWATH / KASHAYAM ( Ingredients , uses , dose, precautions with reference and shloka )

panchtikta kwath 
panchtikta kashayam

Panchatikta Kwath is an ancient Ayurvedic medicine prepared by combining five major herbs. It is especially useful in treating blood disorders, and digestive problems, and strengthening the immune system. This Kwatha is known to increase the body’s immunity, allowing a person to stay more healthy and active.

panchtikta kwath shloka

Therapeutic Uses

  • Jwara ( Fever )
  • Skin Disease with infection
  • Potent antiviral and anti-bacterial herb.
  • Boots immunity.
  • It is also used in the treatment of malarial fever with tremors, chronic fever, 3 rd and 4-day fevers, and irregular fevers.

The wonderful blend of these herbs not only cleanses the inside of the body but also provides energy. It is recommended to drink one cup daily, preferably in the morning.


12 – 14 ml , before food , as directed by Ayurvedic Doctor .

However, some side effects need to be taken into account when consuming it. Pregnant women or those who are undergoing special medical treatment should consult a doctor before taking it.


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